Our Programs

RDA offers a variety of different programs to benefit our individual clients and their varying disabilities, from recreational activities to opportunities for taking part in competitions at all levels.

Who We Can Help

RDA can assist people with all types of disability including, but not limited to, Attention Deficit Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Downs Syndrome, Epilepsy, Hearing Impairment, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Spina Bifida and Vision Impairment.

How to Enrol in our Program

Complete our Participant Enquiry Form and we will contact you as soon as possible.  Alternately, contact our centre for more information.

How Our Programs Help

Horse riding is a natural reflex inhibiting position which helps improve balance and posture, providing a unique form of exercise and rehabilitation.

Learn more about

how our programs help

  • Psychological Benefits

    General Sense of Wellbeing

    Exercise in the fresh air of the country away from hospitals, doctors' offices, therapy rooms or home helps promote a sense of wellbeing. The excitement of riding encourages the rider to speak and communicate about their activities whilst confidence is gained in mastering new skills normally performed by able-bodied people.The ability to control an animal much larger and stronger than oneself is a great confidence builder. 

    Sensory Integration 

    Riding stimulates the tactile sense both through touch and environmental stimuli. The many sounds of the outdoor farm situation help to involve the auditory system.

  • Physical Benefits

    Improved Balance and Muscles 

    As the horse moves the rider is constantly thrown off balance, requiring the rider’s muscles to contract and relax in order to rebalance. This has an effect similar to physiotherapy, reaching deep muscles making the therapy more enjoyable and even fun! The three dimensional rhythmic movement of the horse is similar to the motion of walking, teaching rhythmical patterns to the muscles of the legs and trunk.  By repositioning the rider on the horse (therapeutic riding) different muscles are worked. Stopping and starting the horse and changing the speed and direction increases the benefits. Muscles are strengthened by the increased use involved in riding.  Riding is an exercise however it is perceived as enjoyment giving the rider increased tolerance and motivation to lengthen the period of exercise.

    Stretching Tight or Spastic Muscles

    Increased Range of Joint Motion – Sitting on a horse requires stretching of the adductor muscles of the thighs. This is accomplished by pre-stretching exercises prior to mounting, and starting the rider on a narrow horse and gradually working to wider horses.  Gravity helps stretch the calf muscles when the rider is mounted on the horse without stirrups. Stomach and back muscles are stretched by encouraging the rider to maintain an upright position against the movement of the horse. Arm and hand muscles are stretched by the act of holding the reins whilst also helping to break the flexor spasm of the upper limbs. The rhythmic motion and warmth of the horse aid in relaxation particularly the legs, whilst sitting astride the horse helps break down the extensor spasms of the lower limbs. As spasticity is reduced, range of motion increases. Range of motion is also improved by the act of mounting and dismounting, tacking, grooming and exercises during the lesson.

    Improved Coordination, Faster Reflexes and Better Motor Planning

    Riding requires a great deal of coordination to get the desired response from the horse.  As the horse provides instant feedback to every action, it is easy to know when you have given the correct cue.  Repetition of the patterned movements required in controlling a horse quickens the reflexes and aids in motor planning.

    Improved Respiration, Circulation, Appetite and Digestion 

    Although riding is not normally considered a cardiovascular activity, trotting and cantering do increase both respiration and circulation, whilst like all forms of exercise, riding stimulates the appetite and digestion.

  • Social and Educational Benefits


    Although riding can be a solitary activity, it is normally performed in groups. Riders share a common love of horses and the shared experience of riding creates a good foundation on which to build a friendship.

    Remedial Reading, Writing and Math 

    Before one can be taught to read, it is necessary to recognise the difference in shapes, sizes, and colours. These can be taught on horseback in the form of games and activities, where there is less resistance to learning when it forms part of a horse-riding lesson. Similarly, the concept of maths is taught through games by counting the horses' footfalls and objects around the arena. Something as simple as holding a pencil requires a great deal of motor planning. Knowing which comes first in a sequence of events is an important part of most activities. These and other skills are taught on horseback using obstacle courses, pole bending and many other games and activities. Eye and hand coordination are necessary for skills such as writing and can be taught in grooming and preparing the horse together with other activities and exercises. 

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